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Headset Hooks

Headsets and their wires are a nuisance, aren’t they? Always in the way when strapping in, or out of reach when you are strapped in!


Earlier in the build process I had purchased some RV12 headset brackets F-12132, with no real plan on where to locate them.

It was only recently that I spotted similar brackets in a friend’s RV14, located on the aft face of the rollover bar … top idea!


So I re-kindled my deburring skills, and prepared the two brackets for painting.


Deburring small items is quite fun … not what I’d comment about the 28 wing ribs!

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I stuck some 3M VHB double sided adhesive tape on the brackets, having gently scuffed and degreased the locating areas.


I positioned them far enough apart so the two headsets can be hung on them without interference with each other.

Also, since STRV is a taildragger, I discovered that the “hooks” needed to be bent up slightly more to ensure the headsets do not slip off the back.

We tend to fly with the left seat headset on the right hook and vice versa, making it easier to reach round for retrieval.

Of course if you need to load or access baggage, it’s best to temporarily remove the headsets to prevent knocking them off the hooks.

It has worked well so far, keeping them out of the way during cockpit entry and strap in. The adhesive pads are so far still secure after several months of constant use.


4 comments on Headset Hooks
  1. Barry Wawrin

    Perfect timing Steve. I just purchased those from Vans. Thanks..!

  2. David

    another thing to add to the basket, next time I need to replace a part I screwed up!

  3. Lew MacKechnie

    Another vote for perfect timing. I’m in the process of completing the cockpit on my RV-14A wondering what to do with those pesky headsets. A pair of hooks are now on their way.

  4. Philippe Heer

    Nice! Thanks you for this post. I ordered a set already.

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