I moved on preparing the remaining parts required before the fuselage join.
The F-01457 Gussets are clamped in position so the Upper Longerons can be match drilled.
I re-installed the Bulkhead Bar Assemblies and torqued the bolts …
… easier access so a nice quick little job.
The usual deburring and dimpling.
The DRDT2 got all the dimples.
The Shoulder Harness Lugs have to be chamfered along their top edge. So I marked them out as per the manual …
… and then used my vertical sander to remove the material.
This proved a quick and accurate way to get the job done.
I want to install the Yaw Servo bracket before joining the fuselage, so I decided to prepare the Pitch & Yaw servo brackets.
I ended up preparing the Elevator Bellcrank Assembly as well.
I final drilled the parts on the drill press.
As you can see, after all this part preparation I had to face a long session of scuffing, degreasing and priming.