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17-05 LE Priming and Landing Light Cavity Painting


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Another well trodden priming session. The preparation, ie scuffing and degreasing, is the least fun. Much more enjoyable once the spraying begins!

Seen on the left is the aftermath of the tedious part … I’m still using my roll of CERTEK™ Non-Linting wiping roll and Acetone to degrease the parts.

I cut the sheets up into smaller pieces.


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I fixed the LE Skins in the spray booth corners to provide better access for spraying into the curves.

Landing Light Cavity Internal Finish

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A decision was required on what finish to give the inside of the landing light cavity … this will be visible through the landing light lenses. Trouble is, I haven’t thought far enough ahead to decide on a wing LE colour.

But after a chat with Tim, I decided that the light grey which I plan to paint the cockpit interior will sit fairly comfortably with a blue, red or white … the most likely LE colour.

So I masked up the skins, and sprayed the cavity area.

Also the inside faces of the two outer ribs, the light brackets, lens backing plates, and wing stiffener outer bay sections.

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