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18-07 Fuel Sender Final Fitting

IMG 0704

When fitting the fuel senders Vans suggests you leave a 1/32″ bed of sealant under the sender flange to allow a knife access should it ever need to be removed in the future. I couldn’t work out to judge this, so I decided to put a 1/32″ washer on each bolt under the flange.

I hope this will also help a good electrical contact between the flange and the rib.

Yet more masking to keep the angry Proseal at bay!

IMG 0705

The only thing preventing fuel seeping up the bolt threads is sealant around the heads. So I made sure they were well covered, but left the hex holes on the tops free.

IMG 0707

Electrical Continuity

IMG 0727

Electrical contact seemed very good after nipping up the bolts. I checked the resistance at the float end positions, with readings consistent with the sender specifications, so hopefully all will be fine.


IMG 0739

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