The static ports have to be bonded to the fuselage sides, and Proseal or an RTV Silicone is recommended … well, RTV is easier to work with so that’s what I chose!
The Cleaveland Static Ports are shaped to allow a thin layer of sealant between the flange and fuselage side, so I masked it off to prevent a mess on the nice new paint and also taped to keep a slight pressure whilst bonding.
Quite fun this bit, but takes some head scratching to work out which wire goes where. Also the manual keeps on advising not to tighten up the tie wraps which secure the wires, allowing for further additions. However, reading ahead, I can’t find any more to add down the length of the longerons/stiffeners, so I’ve nipped those up. But there will be more in the front portion due Autopilot etc. The black strip in the picture above is RAYRIM-6 edging material … a blast of hot air on it activates adhesive which bonds it to the edge. I placed it where wires may potentially rub as they are routed back through the bulkhead.
Where the wires pass through the bulkheads I added a short length of heat shrink tubing to prevent possible chaffing.
A few hours work and the wires & rudder cabling in place. I’m going to wait a while before fitting the static vent tubing so the ports are properly bonded.